In the art of bonsai learning never ends, knowledge is transferred from teachers to students since time immemorial. Therefore, those of us who have learned from the best, try to spread that knowledge about this ancient art to whoever is at another point of their journey, so that this legacy lives on, and sculptural trees continue to embellish the planet.
The problem is that, in this particular world, finding quality training is not always easy. Maybe you are starting and you are a sea of doubts about how to grow your healthy and robust tree, or on the contrary, you have been in pots and pruning shears for years but you need to expand your knowledge to move to the next level.
This school is the result of all my accumulated past and present knowledge, and I hope that it is the starting point for you to solve your doubts and problems, and to enter peacefully into the infinite knowledge of this wonderful universe in miniature.

The Residence
Weekly full-year face-to-face course
For bonsai lovers of any level who want to enjoy a few hours a week of tranquility and harmony and acquire practically all the necessary knowledge to achieve healthy and elegant trees.

Workshops, master classes and demonstrations for individuals or groups
People or groups (associations, clubs, etc.) interested in receiving a practical, entertaining and easy-to-understand master class to learn how to design, prune and shape a bonsai and improve its collections through my explanations and guidelines.

Personal advice at home, or remote by video call
Any person (from beginners to advanced) who loves bonsai, who has doubts about their care and maintenance and needs professional advice in a personal and individualized way, to get their tree or collection to work and to show the desired aspect.

The Refuge
Work your tree in my workshop exclusively
People who have bonsai that require a professional to work them to get a specific design or special care, for example, a wood carving, pruning, transplanting etc.